Pastor Roger Hagen was raised in Brazil by missionary parents, a background that nurtured his deep love for service and ministry. During his teenage years, his family returned to the United States, where he continued his education within the Adventist system.

Pastor Hagen earned his undergraduate degree from Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska, and later completed a master's degree at Andrews Theological Seminary. He also trained as a chaplain, gaining valuable experience ministering to people from diverse backgrounds in Texas and Florida as they faced life’s challenges.

His ministry journey began early in life, assisting his father with evangelistic meetings and participating in mission trips. These formative experiences solidified his commitment to ministry, which has included helping to build churches in Mexico and Brazil, and pastoring in various regions, including Alaska, the Rocky Mountain Conference, and the Minnesota Conference. He is currently blessed to serve as the pastor of the Winter Haven and Lake Wales Seventh-day Adventist churches in Florida.

In his free time, Pastor Hagen enjoys reading and spending quality time with his family. He is passionate about lifelong learning and is always seeking to deepen his understanding of God and the world around him.

A verse that has profoundly impacted his spiritual journey is Hebrews 4:12. This verse, which he memorized during his school days in Brazil, initially highlighted the power of Scripture to him. Over time, Pastor Hagen has come to see it as pointing to Jesus Himself—the living Word who has the power to transform hearts and lives.

Pastor Hagen met his wife, Shannon, in Wyoming, where they both worked during the summer in the literature evangelism ministry. He was captivated by her angelic voice and love of music, which has been a source of beauty and joy in their life together. They have been happily married for thirty years and are blessed with two married sons, two granddaughters, and a grandson on the way, with hopes for more to come. Their greatest joy is having a family that loves Jesus, and they eagerly anticipate His return, looking forward to the day when they can be together with Him and all His saints.

Pastor Hagen's vision for his ministry is to help others fulfill their potential in their relationship with Jesus, guiding them towards a deeper, more meaningful connection with their Savior.